We are back! Thanks for your support!

Please join us to support local charity efforts and have a fun time playing in the Best Poker Tournament around!

In this time of uncertainty concerning COVID-19, CDC recommendations, Indiana gaming commission and local guidelines are changing frequently. The Westfield Lions Club will implement a COVID-Response Plan in compliance with local health requirements, applicable Executive Orders and ensure compliance with Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA) Standards in affect at the time of the tournament.

Additional measures are being taken such as providing masks to those who would like them, the addition of hand sanitizer stations and regularly sanitizing chips, cards and tables. The following are links to the local websites that are addressing this issue so all can make an informed personal decision on the risks involved.

WIN the Jackpot at indy's largest poker tournament

Win Big – $25,000 in prize money

The champion wins $10,000 and
A custom leather champion jacket!
Champions table players also get
the Lion Commemorative Finalist Coin.
Top 25 players go home with $$$.

Payouts Rules

Reserve Early and Save

The earlier you reserve a seat online, the cheaper your buy-in costs at the door! Give your promo code to friends to get an even greater discount on your buy-in!

Reserve your seat today

Lions Poker in Indy

The champion wins $10,000 and
A custom leather champion jacket!
Champions table players also get
the Lion Commemorative Finalist Coin.
Top 25 players go home with $$$.

Proceed Recipients

EMAIL ALERTS:  Don't miss the next tournament:

Lions Poker in Indy

The champion wins $10,000 and
A custom leather champion jacket!
Champions table players also get
the Lion Commemorative Finalist Coin.
Top 25 players go home with $$$.

Proceed Recipients

Why Become A Lion